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“Thank you so much for your support. You have been invaluable in my recovery.”

“Each week I always wonder whether I'll have something to talk about, and each week the session ends and something amazing has happened.”

“I waited a long time for therapy and it was really worth it. I love coming here. Its my own safe place where I can be totally me and I know you'll never tell me off.”

“I get quite anxious about saying things out loud because I worry people will think I'm stupid, but I know you never think that. ”

"Flora was very good at gaining my trust and allowing me to feel comfortable with talking about my problems ....Counselling was helpful in that ...“it allowed me to see my problems in a different light and therefore feel able to manage them.”"

“From the first session, I felt in tune with Flora. It felt very natural and I quickly felt at ease. Feeling so supported was new to me. Being reminded of my strengths helped me believe that I can do it!”

"Flora is very easy to talk to and has a good way with people."

“I've had counselling before for the last 15 years, but it has never felt like this. I feel as though I am finally getting to the root of my problems.”

You have helped us to really understand each other and made our lives so much happier. Thank you so much Flora.

Thank you Flora, you pulled me through a dark hole. I wouldn't have got through all I did if it wasn't for you, so thank you. And I've been promoted!

I just wanted to let you know that I managed to complete the course. I passed!!! Thank you for all your encouragement and support :))

I felt so sad to leave (counselling) but know I can do this alone. You've been wonderful. Thank you xxx


+44 (0) 7779 309 309

The Pavilion

Graylingwell Park

Connolly Way
Chichester PO19 6DA


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